Health Research
Health research aims to find better ways to treat, prevent and cure disease.
This vital component of healthcare can take multiple forms and present a variety of risks and opportunities. Whether it is a clinical trial, secondary data research, research ethics board protocol review, or a material transfer agreement, we keep the aims of the study top of mind while advising researchers, funders, and health care organizations. We also advise on deidentification of data for research purposes, and questions of research versus quality.
Our services include:
Agreements - Material transfer, clinical trial, data sharing, basic science
Research ethics board advice
Research misconduct
Protocol reviews
Informed consents
Deidentified data
Connect with our team
Mary Jane Dykeman
Samara Starkman

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) has profound and broad reaching potential for your business.
It can streamline processes, create operational efficiencies and breed a new generation of innovation for your organization. The technology is also rapidly evolving, as is the regulatory environment that supports it.
Our team is at the forefront of this fast-changing area of law. With deep expertise in AI law and policy, we are ready to guide you through exploring, investing and using artificial intelligence in your business. Our lawyers have advised governments, Fortune 500 companies, public sector organizations and start-ups on the legal opportunities and risks that come with adopting AI. INQ has developed a proprietary AI risk assessment to offer clients an efficient, automated process for assessing AI risk and informing AI governance strategies.
Our services include:
AI governance
Algorithmic impact assessments
AI liability frameworks
AI policies, procedures, toolkits and guidelines
AI procurement policies
AI vendor assessments
AI due diligence audits
AI ethics training
For information about our integrated services, download our brochure: