Health Research
Health research aims to find better ways to treat, prevent and cure disease.
This vital component of healthcare can take multiple forms and present a variety of risks and opportunities. Whether it is a clinical trial, secondary data research, research ethics board protocol review, or a material transfer agreement, we keep the aims of the study top of mind while advising researchers, funders, and health care organizations. We also advise on deidentification of data for research purposes, and questions of research versus quality.
Our services include:
Agreements - Material transfer, clinical trial, data sharing, basic science
Research ethics board advice
Research misconduct
Protocol reviews
Informed consents
Deidentified data
Connect with our team
Mary Jane Dykeman
Samara Starkman

Charities and Not-for-Profits
Not-for-profit and charitable organizations are unique and complex structures. As such, you require a team of experienced lawyers who can help you address matters strategically and proactively.
Our team has an in-depth understanding of the not-for-profit sector. Working with large and small organizations, including health sector associations, patient advocacy groups and registered charities, we are ready to assist you with:
Charity applications
Collaboration and partnership agreements
Gift agreements
Gift-related policies
Governance and restructuring
Hospital-Foundation relations
Naming rights agreements
Procurement of goods, software and services
Relationship agreements for federated charities
Trust arrangements
We deliver professional guidance to businesses of all sizes
Every business evolves and changes. INQ Law offers a dynamic team with broad and practical experience in key areas of business and operations law. We guide you through current issues, and by staying on top of emerging trends, offer you the strategic advice to advance your business.
We serve small to large businesses, as well as private, public and not-for-profit organizations from a range of industries and sectors, including health, technology and telecommunications.
We advise on
Corporate commercial I Mergers and amalgamations I Board governance
Charities and not-for-profits I Risk Management